Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A change of plans...

   I was going to spend tonight complaining about the fact that most drivers in the city of Tacoma have quite obviously gotten their drivers' licences out of a Cracker Jack box, and a discount bootleg box from South Durka Durkastan at that.  I was going to complain about how within the period of four days I have had three drivers in a double-laned turn lane cross out of their obviously marked lane and instead pull into mine directly ahead of me thereby forcing me to apply my foot to my brakes (and, consequently, wish to apply my foot to their heads). Oh, and then there were the two people who sped through glaringly obvious read lights as it would be such an inconvenience to them to have to perhaps follow the rules of the road.  Afterwards, I was going to rant a bit about the fact that I think there should be a drivers licence renewal test that is mandatory every five years so that the morons who get into their over-sized, gas-guzzling, testosterone compensation vehicles would at least have a shred of knowledge about what it is they are supposed to do behind the wheel of said monstrosity.
   But I've decided against it. That would be silly.  Truly, what would be the point?  I fear I would simply be wasting my breath, howling against the wind.  I mean, are any of the imbeciles that I am talking about actually going to read this? (no) If they did, would it force them to realize that they are putting peoples' lives at risk every time they forget that it is illegal to make a lane change in the middle of an intersection, especially when turning? (no) Will it truly grant me peace and be a fair replacement of the feeling of wanting to insert my size twelve Ariat boots through their ear canals of that I can feel the heels rattling around in the quite obviously empty space? (sadly, no)  I will do none of that.  I will continue (in my head) to imagine myself disintegrating the vehicles and the drivers within with laser beams from my eyes, thereby removing said idiot genes from the breeding pool of the population however. But I won't gripe about the drivers. Nope. Not at all.
   Instead, I've decided to tell you that I like cheese.  I do.  It is fabulous. Anyone got a problem with that?


  1. cheese IS awesome Bruce. But we need to work on your ranting. to much description not enough "f you"

  2. Sorry Gabe. I got most of the "f yous" out in the car. Besides, that's your schtick. I mostly just prefer to throw bricks at people, either literally or figuratively.
